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Microsoft Cyber

Mod Naruto GTA San Andreas

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Naruto | Naruto adalah salah satu film terfavorit saya. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan mod GTA San Andreas yang bernama Naruto. Bayangkan jika di GTA SA ada mod Naruto. Yapp, yang pasti semua orang di gta lari-lari, hahaha. Mod Naruto ini bukan hanya skin Naruto saja tetapi ada jurus-jurus lengkap pada mod tsb. Di dalam mod ini terdapat 4 karakter dalam film Naruto, diantaranya Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke dan Kakashi.
Berikut Link Mod Naruto

ScreenShoot :

Video :

Download :
Cara Install :
  1. Re-install SA (recommended) but not obligatory, if you know what already has modified in your game.
  2. MAKE A BACKUP! of all the files.
  3. Copy everything inside SA root folder, AS IS, but don't copy the folder named "Models_to_ADD"
  4. All the files of the folder "Models_to_ADD" must go inside the "gta3.img" and must ADD them all.
Cara Pakai :
  1. TYPE(as a cheat): NARUTO 
  2. Change player: Right or Left
  3. Select a player; Ped_sprint
(More help in the menu)

Action + 1 (by default; TAB+1) -> Jutsu 1 - Orioke
Action + 2 (by default; TAB+2) -> Jutsu 2 - Kage bunshin, Create 3 kagebunshin.
Action + 3 (by default; TAB+3) -> Jutsu 3 - Rasengan*
Action + 4 (by default; TAB+4) -> Jutsu 4 - Transformation, all the people ignore you. Is made to run away from the policeman.

Action + 1 (by default; TAB+1) -> Jutsu 1 - Chidori
Action + 2 (by default; TAB+2) -> Jutsu 2 - Gokakyu, fire ball.
Action + 3 (by default; TAB+3) -> Jutsu 3 - Chidori Nagashi--(small problems with sound)
Action + 4 (by default; TAB+4) -> Jutsu 4 - Transformation, all the people ignore you. Is made to run away from the policeman.

Action + 1 (by default; TAB+1) -> Jutsu 1 - Mega PUNCH, send flying all the cars or peds, if you hit them.
Action + 2 (by default; TAB+2) -> Jutsu 2 - Kage bunshin, Create 2 kagebunshin.
Action + 3 (by default; TAB+3) -> Jutsu 3 - Healing, This only works if you have little life, and it regenerates a little faster.
Action + 4 (by default; TAB+4) -> Jutsu 4 - Transformation, all the people ignore you. Is made to run away from the policeman.

Action + 1 (by default; TAB+1) -> Jutsu 1 - Raikiri, [it only work with pedS]
Action + 2 (by default; TAB+2) -> Jutsu 2 - Kage bunshin, Create 2 kagebunshin.
Action + 3 (by default; TAB+3) -> Jutsu 3 - Kuchiyose, Summoning, summon one of the four dogs randomly.
Action + 4 (by default; TAB+4) -> Jutsu 4 - Transformation, all the people ignore you. Is made to run away from the policeman.
Note :
  • Rasengan; has a bug, you must hit a car on the sides, if you try to hit them in front or back, nothing happens and works with time, not by hit, keep pressing "fire key" and get close to a car(on sides) or ped.

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By Microsoft-Cyber.blogspot.com

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