Story :
Grand Theft Auto IV follows the story of Niko Bellic, an illegal immigrant and veteran of the Bosnian War. After persuasion from his cousin Roman, who immigrated to America years prior to the game’s opening, Niko leaves Eastern Europe[19] to come to Liberty City, where he hopes to forget his criminal past and pursue the American Dream. After his arrival, however, Niko quickly learns that Roman’s tales of riches and luxury were lies concealing Roman’s struggles with debt and gangsters. Niko aids Roman in his troubles while hoping to carve out a new life for himself in the city.
It is later revealed that one of the reasons Niko came to Liberty City was to search for the person he blames for the betrayal of his old army unit: Florian Cravic. Niko creates ties with the Liberty City Bratva through Roman’s loan shark Vladimir Glebov and later makes acquaintance with a major figure of the Bratva, Mikhail Faustin and his associate, Dimitri Rascalov. Niko completes jobs for Faustin before joining Dimitri’s plot to betray Faustin and take over the organization. Niko assassinates Faustin on Dimitri’s orders, but is then betrayed by Dimitri himself. It is revealed that Dimitri is actually in collusion with Ray Bulgarin, a former employer of Niko who orders his men to kill him. Niko fights his way through the ambush with the help of Little Jacob, a Jamaican arms dealer whom Niko befriended earlier. Dimitri and Bulgarin escape, however, and Jacob suggests dealing with them later.
ScreenShoot :
Download :
- GTA IV part 1 [999 MB]
- GTA IV part 2 [999 MB]
- GTA IV part 3 [999 MB]
- GTA IV part 4 [999 MB]
- GTA IV part 5 [500 MB]
Cara Install :
- Kumpulkan download tadi kedalam 1 folder
- Ekstrak part 1
- Ekstrak Grand Theft Auto IV.arc dengan FreeArc
- Buka Hasil ekstrakan tadi
- Buka folder pc
- Jalankan Globe Converter.exe
- Tunggu sampai selesai
- Setelah selesai tunggu sampai muncul proses selanjutnya ( jangan di apa-apain )
- Jika sudah, lihat apakah ada folder anim, data dan models
- Jika ada, Mainkan GTA IV melalui LaunchGTAIV
- Enjoy.
Note : Cara agar fullscreen
- Buka file txt dengan judul command line di direktori gta tadi
- Ubah windowed ke Fullscreen
Thx Gan :-d
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Download disini Gan
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Silahkan kunjungi
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iya gan overwrite aja!
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